I later realized that the recent overreactions and increasingly fantastical rumors about Beauty and the Beast are exactly what Gaston does in the story. He makes up a bunch of lies based on one bit of information and his fears, and stirs up vicious, destructive rage among the people of the village.
Welcome to my blog! Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Feel free to clIck "Follow" and check back regularly!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Overblown Controversy
I later realized that the recent overreactions and increasingly fantastical rumors about Beauty and the Beast are exactly what Gaston does in the story. He makes up a bunch of lies based on one bit of information and his fears, and stirs up vicious, destructive rage among the people of the village.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Proposed Laws of Nature
- Snow may fall and ice may form anywhere except on roads, driveways, sidewalks and vehicles.
- Rain must cut it out before floods accumulate. If it must continue to rain at that point, the rain must relocate to locations more in need of water.
- Natural disasters must confine themselves to locations uninhabited by people or animals. I would suggest Mars.
- Hailstones must be no larger than your average pea.
- Tsunamis must always crash out to sea, never inland. If there are boats or surfers in the proposed path, the tsunami must wait until they are out of the way.
- There needs to be a limit on how thick fog can get. I would suggest a minimum visibility of 75 feet.
- Wind must be considerate and not destructive.
- Clouds must block the sun over the horizon at sunrise and sunset, at least during March and September.
- Skin must be unburnable.
- Wounds and maladies of all sorts must heal as fast as they do for Wolverine. However, replacing bones with adamantium would not be necessary.
- Vision may diminish to a point where glasses are needed for minor correction, but it must never progress to the point of blindness. The other senses must never diminish.
- Teleportation and human flight must be achievable and normal modes of transportation.
- Food, water and coffee must always be available to those who need them.
- Smoke and exhaust must be odorless and harmless.
- Fire must not stray from its intended location, provided it is intended for use in cooking, keeping warm, and campfires (and other beneficial uses, as needed). If set with malicious intent, it must be impossible to set.
- Meteors must avoid crashing on planets and spacecraft.
- The Northern and Southern Lights must be visible to more of Earth, more often. When forecast, it must be visible. It is all right for it to be somewhat rare, though, as that would preserve the novelty. Just less rare than it currently is.
- Science, healthcare, sports and the arts must always be held in high regard, and never repressed or under funded. They must be easily affordable both to provide and to patronize.
- Food must always be beneficial to a person's health. An excess of food must not lead to an excess of weight.
- Pimples must disappear, never to return, the instant a person turns 16.
- Back orders on products, especially if they are essential, must be impossible.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Romans 13 and Civil Disobedience
Romans 13:1-2
Let every person be subject to governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
What if God commanded Samuel to criticize King Saul multiple times, and at times Samuel had to carry out the orders that God had commanded Saul to do, because Saul refused? (1 Samuel, 1 Chronicles)
What if God commanded Nathan to tell King David that having an affair and committing murder were terrible sins, leading to a very eloquent prayer of repentance? (2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51)
What if God commanded Elijah to prove to Queen Jezebel and the prophets of Baal that their idolatry was evil, causing Elijah to run for his life? (1 Kings 18)
What if God commanded Jeremiah to send a messenger to King Jehoiakim with a scroll full of the King's evil deeds, and Jehoiakim cut up the scroll and threw it in the fire, leading to God sending their kingdom into captivity? (Jeremiah 36)
What if God commanded Jonah to tell the King of Nineveh that they were evil and destined for destruction - and God had to use extreme measures to get Jonah to obey and criticize the governing authorities? (The book of Jonah)
What if Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego engaged in civil disobedience by refusing to bow to the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar, and were thrown into a blazing furnace for it, but miraculously survived? (Daniel 3)
What if Daniel had to tell King Belshazzar that the mysterious writing that had just been written on the wall meant the following? "God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. ... You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. ... Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians." (Daniel 5:26-28) Belshazzar didn't survive the day.
What if Daniel directly defied orders to worship only King Darius, and got thrown into the lion's den, and miraculously survived? (Daniel 6)
What if Jesus - God in flesh - blasted the religious leaders for their hypocrisy, over and over and over? (The Gospels)
What if Peter and John told the governing authorities that they would not obey their command to stop spreading Jesus' message, saying, "Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him?" (Acts 4:19)
What if Stephen told the governing authorities that Jesus was right, they had murdered Jesus and Jesus had defeated death, causing them to stone him? (Acts 7)
What if Paul - who wrote Romans 13:1-2 - criticized the Roman authorities for breaking Roman law by beating him and Silas, leading to them apologizing? (Acts 16)
There are so many more examples, but those are the ones that come to mind. We are commanded to submit to authorities. We are commanded to pray for them. We are not commanded to refrain from criticism when they are wrong. Paul said to expose wrongdoing (Ephesians 5:11). Paul wrote Romans under the rule of the evil emperor Nero, known for his brutal treatment of Christians.
Now, what if many (though not all) of the people currently citing Romans 13 were some of President Obama's sharpest critics? What if they so recently defied what they themselves are now preaching? Is this hypocrisy not exactly what Jesus repeatedly accused the Pharisees of doing?
What if our current president claims to follow Christ, but claims never to have needed to repent of anything?
What if he repeatedly ordered his supporters to violently throw people out of his rallies while campaigning?
What if he has had multiple affairs and bragged about rape, later trying to pass it off as "bathroom talk"?
What if he openly mocked a man with special needs, and has repeatedly denied it despite video evidence to the contrary?
What if he has passed a temporary ban on thousands of people in mortal danger from fleeing to safety?
What if he is working to dismantle needed healthcare policies without first proposing a replacement?
What if he represses the freedoms of speech and of the press guaranteed in the First Amendment, by telling the media, National Parks, scientists and others to shut up?
What if he fired the acting Attorney General because she chose to follow the orders in the Constitution rather than the President?
What if he has inspired (intentionally or not) violent acts of racism, sexism, Islamophobia, Christophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and several other phobias, throughout the US and even as far away as Quebec?
Again, there are so many more examples of how this man has been "weighed in the scales and been found wanting."
We are to respect the office of President.
We are to submit and obey what he tells us to do, provided that doing so would not go against the commands in the Bible and the Constitution.
We are to be upright, following God first, then the law, then the president.
We are to fight for the less fortunate.
We are to stay informed and fact check what we hear. Let's not automatically support or oppose what we hear based solely on the fact that Trump said or did it.
We are to pray fervently that God will give wisdom to President Trump, and lead him to repentance. We need to pray that Trump will become the wise and compassionate president that we need.
We are to hold out hope and not despair.
We are to remember that God is bigger and greater than Trump, and God will prevail.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Snoke Theories, Episode III
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Snoke Theories, Episode II
He watched his protégé and best friend, whom he loved like a brother, slowly turn bad. He fought his friend through lava flows that would burn away said friend's limbs and severely maim him in other ways, causing him to need a mask to breathe. I ask you, is this the action of a friend?
Then, Anakin out of the way for the moment, he contrived to separate Anakin's children and not tell his "dear friend" the joyful news that he was a father. He would spend the next few years as a hermit on a desolate island, only starting to be helpful when Anakin's daughter asked for help, and Anakin's son came to him with a droid with a message. Then he handed the whiny brat of a Luke a deadly weapon before telling him what it was. What if Luke had pressed the wrong button with the lightsaber pointed at himself? When that scheme didn't work, he made up some harebrained story about Darth Vader killing Luke's father - which he would later explain away by claiming it was true "from a certain point of view." Whatever.
Then, next time he saw old Anakin, he declared pompously, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." So, always willing to help a friend, Anakin took Obi-Wan's advice.
Like Yoda, Obi-Wan just disappeared. Like Yoda, I didn't see a body. Did he die? Like Yoda, he would show up later as a force ghost. He spoke in a creepy voice to Luke telling him to use the force. But were his actions as a ghost particularly powerful? Unless you consider spooky apparitions and voices powerful, not especially.
The last we see him as Obi-Wan, he is a holographic ghost smiling at the pawn he trained to defeat his old friend.
Fast forward about 30 years. A new generation has arisen, and now we see a powerful holographic ghost who is commanding his friend's grandson to commit horrible atrocities.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Snoke Theories, Episode I
Monday, March 21, 2016
Snoke Theories: Prologue
Supreme Leader Snoke has been the subject of numerous wild theories regarding his identity. Some believe he is Darth Plagueis, the infamous Sith legend. (This has been denied by the powers that be.) Some say he is the youngling who talked to Anakin Skywalker before Anakin slaughtered everyone in the room. Some even say he is Darth Vader or Jar Jar Binks.
These, of course, are ridiculous.
I was watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens the other day and came up with some brilliant theories of my own. I feel confident that one of my theories is accurate. Time will tell which one it is. The next few blog posts will detail who I think Snoke is.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Lessons from Social Media
Bacon and coffee are essential to your continued survival, and must be photographed, memed, and otherwise shared with utmost respect and awe. Then eaten and drunk.
LOL also stands for "lots of love." (No it doesn't.)
The world must be alerted when you have "the feels."
All pictures of cats, dogs and velociraptors must be shared.
Any fact check can begin and end with Snopes or Wikipedia. Or The Daily Currant.
All members of the political party you oppose are the Devil incarnate.
The latest death in Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, or any other show you enjoy, is an international tragedy. That also goes for books, such as Harry Potter.
If you do not share this status, either you are completely heartless, or you are ashamed of Jesus and He will deny you before the Father. Or both.
It is absolutely necessary to video yourself singing "Let It Go" and share it with the world. Extra credit if it goes viral enough for Disney to take notice and block the video for copyright infringement.
The Onion, The Daily Currant, The Duffel Blog and other satire websites are reputable sources of news. Definitely take them seriously.
"I disagree with you" = "I hate you and your kind."
Love = complete agreement and approval
If you disagree with someone, it is absolutely necessary to hurl profanity-laced insults at them. Because random strangers appreciate being called every name unfit to be printed in the book?
Everyone you feel is wrong with the world must be informed of their "wrong with the world" status.
Did someone say something that unintentionally hurt your feelings? They absolutely aimed it at you and meant it as a personal and public insult. This person must be taught a sharp lesson by being unfriended, and for extra credit, blocked. This will automatically convert them to your way of thinking. But you won't know it because you blocked them. Alternatively, you can unfriend them and send them a PM explaining what a lowlife they are.
Doctor Who has a quote for everything. If Doctor Who does not have a quote for it, make up a quote and put it on a picture of The Doctor.
Feel strongly about something? Post a status instructing everyone who disagrees with you to unfriend you now.
Every trip to the gym must be carefully documented and shared for the world to see. (Note: while these can get annoying, I have found that when I do share it, it helps keep me accountable. So don't get after people too much for this. They need encouragement, not "cease and desist" notices.)
If all else fails, put your profound (or not-so-profound) idea in a meme. Extra credit: attribute your idea to Einstein. Or Lincoln. Or a Minion.
Always be yourself, unless you can be anyone or anything else, real or fictional. Then be anyone or anything else, real or fictional.
You can combat negativity by posting pictures of superheroes, cartoon characters, or other positive subjects.
Everyone knows the key to fixing the world's problems, and everyone else is clueless and must be told how.
You can't draw worth beans? No problem. Just draw an ugly face and use it to troll others. It will go viral and your poor excuse for a drawing will gain memingful immortality. (Like the word I just made up?)
When God (who is apparently an old man with a long white beard), who makes no mistakes, created every single person in the world, He stood at a table with a beaker, and added a dose of this, a dose of that, and... oops! The perfect God who doesn't make mistakes accidentally spilled His entire supply of a third ingredient into the potion!
It is absolutely necessary to know which character of every show in existence you are.
You will be SHOCKED OUT OF YOUR SENSES what happens when you click on this clickbaity link!
He used clickbait, and THIS happened! LOL!
Minions are surprisingly philosophical.
Always photograph what you are eating.
Memes count as news, and they are definitely accurate.
Anything at all (with the possible exception of Fifty Shades of Grey) is still a better love story than Twilight.
The Doctor must under no circumstances be called Doctor Who. That is not his name. Never mind that's how he was credited until recently, and he was often called Doctor Who in the classic series.
Never mind what Back to the Future says about Marty McFly coming to the future on October 21, 2015. That day is TODAY. In fact, it's been many days since at least 2012.
#Always #use #hashtags. Better yet, #overuse #hashtags.
If anyone wishes you "Happy Holidays," they are part of a dastardly scheme to take Christ out of Christmas and must be chastised accordingly. Anything less than "Merry Christmas" must be greeted with Scrooge-like anger.
If anyone dares mention Christmas before Thanksgiving, they must be publicly chastised for their crimes against humanity.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Clickbait and Adbait
- This will blow your mind
- What happened next?
- I gasped.
- actually, almost anything in ALL CAPS
- Lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Shocking
- Spread this absolutely everywhere!
- vague comments like "he said THIS" or "THIS happened"
- using pronouns rather than specifying the person
- Like if...
- Share if...
- Retweet/Re-post/Reblog if...
- One like/share = one prayer
- Like = ________, Comment =_______, Share = ________
- Like to show respect
- anything that tries to guilt me into clicking, liking or sharing
- Jesus says that if you deny me before men, I will deny you before God
- anything implying I am heartless if I don't click, like, comment or share
- Share this in 30 seconds or something terrible will happen
- Sadly, only 12% will share this. It should be 100%.
- anything that definitively predicts the public's reaction to this post, stating specific percentages
- This weird trick
- #25 made me react strongly (fall over laughing, pee my pants, throw something out the window, etc.)
- Excessive foul language
- Bad grammar or spelling
- anything that counts the number of words someone used to make their point
- Watch this person SHUT DOWN their political opponent
- This person sent their political opponent packing, or did anything else to defeat them (the article or video in question is often about someone making a comment that expressed disagreement, but in no way sent anyone packing, and is sometimes not even true)
- Is there room for me on your wall? (accompanied by a picture of Jesus)
If I do click on your link, the following might cause me to leave the page quickly:
- Constantly having to click "next"
- Excessive ads, especially if I can't scroll without accidentally clicking on one
- Deceptive ads that have arrows that look like a "next" button
- Ads that completely cover the screen, blocking what I'm trying to read
- Ads with videos that auto play
- Music on your web page that auto plays (even if there are no ads)
- Pages that force me to watch a video (usually an ad) before allowing me to progress to what is on the page
Note: I have nothing against ads, per se (after all, I have ads on this blog), but I do have a problem with people abusing them.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Tom Jamieson
Following is the eulogy I wrote for my uncle Tom, who passed away of a heart attack last month. His sisters and my aunt helped me with some of the details. A shorter version was printed in the program, but this is the full eulogy.
Tom Jamieson was born to John and Helen Irene Jamieson on June 24, 1955 in Omaha, Nebraska. He attended grade school at St. Cecilia's, followed by high school at Creighton Prep. His dad died when he was 12. Tom got a scholarship when he started high school, and he worked his way through to pay tuition. After graduating high school in 1973, he attended the University of Nebraska Omaha for about a year and got a job at the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute. He got married and moved to Seattle in 1977. That marriage only lasted about three years, but his move would start a new chapter in his life.
He worked at Doctor's Hospital in Seattle, which would merge with Swedish. It was there that he met a beautiful young woman. The third time they randomly ran into each other, he joked, "If we don't stop meeting like this, we're going to have to get married." They must have kept meeting like that, because Tom started dating Lois in 1981. They were married in 1984, and their daughter Darcy came along five years later.
After working at Swedish, Tom worked 11 years at Washington Natural Gas, followed by 14 years at Microsoft.
In recent years, he has been active in politics, and he has visited the City Council regularly (much to the chagrin of some of his political opponents). He was the Republican Chair of Washington State's 32nd District, and a Precinct Committee Officer.
Tom and Lois cared for Lois' father Ken Loge until his death in May 2015. Inspired by his father-in-law, Tom started walking regularly, up to six miles a day. Tom and Lois spent what they could not know would be their last summer together walking, going on bike rides, and even sailing on the whale boat where Darcy works.
Tom loved chess, and he won a championship at the age of 16. He was talented in several areas of art. He loved to draw, and he taught himself to play the piano. As a political activist, he made several cartoon videos to illustrate his points.
He was a deep thinker, and was proud of his membership in Mensa, for people with high IQs. He was an excellent writer and researcher, and was always eager to learn more. He had a quick wit and a caring heart.
Following a massive heart attack and a week in the hospital, Tom passed away peacefully. He is survived by his wife Lois and daughter Darcy, his siblings Holly, John, Mary and Kate, and 40 nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents and his brother Bill.