The news came
as a shock. That morning I was emerging from my room when my mom met me in the
hallway. “Steven!” she said. I could hear in her voice that something serious
had happened. I wondered if I was in trouble for some reason. Her voice trembling,
she said, “A plane crashed into the World Trade Center!”
I didn’t know
what to think, and it didn’t sink in immediately. Surely it must have been an
accident. But what a catastrophic accident! We rushed into the living room and
watched as they showed the horrifying footage on the news. It was starting to
sink in. Someone in a building near the WTC called in to the news and told the
anchors that a plane had deliberately flown into the Tower. Deliberately? Who
would do such a thing? It occurred to me that this was the “JFK” event of my
generation. My parents remember where they were when they learned of his
assassination. I looked at my watch to take note of the date. September 11,
2001. I needn’t have bothered.
As we watched
in horror, a second plane slammed into the other tower, causing a massive
fireball. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Two planes crashing into two of the
tallest buildings in New York within a few minutes of each other doesn’t just
happen by accident. By this time it was getting time for me to start preparing
for my work day, as Seattle is 3 hours behind New York due to time zones. I
took a small radio into the bathroom to listen while I prepared and prayed
desperately. The radio announcer related that a third plane had crashed into
the Pentagon. We later learned that a fourth plane crashed in a field near
Pittsburgh, as the passengers tackled the hijackers.
American Airlines Flight, over the
North Atlantic
Meanwhile, an
American Airlines plane was flying westbound over the Atlantic Ocean, en route
from Paris to Dallas. Captain Beverley Bass got word on their air to air radio
frequency that the towers had been hit, and New York airspace was closed. The
airspace for the entire country was closed soon after. They knew then that they
would need to divert to Canada, initially considering Toronto or Montreal. They
then got word that a remote area would be wiser, so they were ordered to land
in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland.
Air France, over the North Atlantic
The plane
bound from Paris to Newark suddenly dropped in elevation, and passenger Kevin
Tuerff, accustomed to flying, looked up at the GPS map on the ceiling of their
jumbo jet. He wondered why they were suddenly flying due north rather than due
west. Were they flying to the North Pole?
Continental Airlines, over the
The flight
was bound from Gatwick, England to Houston, Texas. Diane was returning home
from visiting her son Mike and his family, stationed in the US Air Force in the
UK. On the same flight was an oil industry professional named Nick, whose
business took him to Houston. Neither of them knew that tragedy would bring
together two strangers from opposite sides of the ocean.
Gander, Newfoundland
Academy French immersion teacher Diane Davis heard of the attacks that morning.
She went home for lunch and watched live as the towers fell. She would return
to school to teach that afternoon. Her colleagues asked her to help mobilize
help, possibly preparing food, and she readily volunteered as a point person
for staff. With a staff phone list in hand, she registered with the town of
Gander, telling them she had about 50 names and could probably count on half of
them helping out. They moved desks and set up computers in the front at three
schools, starting with the local high school. By the time they got to Gander
Academy, they had about 100 volunteers setting up. After being up for 72 hours
straight, she was ordered home to rest. She slept three hours and went back to
work. By that time they had 770 people who needed help.
As the people
of Gander prepared, so did the nearby towns of Appleton, Glenwood, Lewisporte,
Norris Arm and Gambo. Six towns got ready to welcome thousands of people
diverted to Newfoundland. Janice Young, a nurse from Lewisporte, worked 12-hour
shifts to help people in need. Members of the local media, including Janice
Goudie and Brian Mosher, would work tirelessly over the next few days,
splitting their time between reporting the news and bringing aid to those who
needed it.
“The world changed today, for the
worse. Our flight from Paris to New York missed an international terrorist
disaster in New York and Washington, DC. (Hijacked planes crashed into WTC
& Pentagon.) We’ve been sitting on our plane now for 12 hours (7 now on the
ground). All we can do is wait patiently for news about the tragedy, for a
place to try to talk to our families. We’ve been told we may have to sleep here
overnight (on board). We are fortunate to be alive. Many on the plane cried
when we heard the news. Everyone is shell-shocked. No one can imagine what is
next regarding our national security. Who can we trust now? Will this heinous
crime start a war? All we can do is pray. P.S. Just learned we will soon depart
plane and perhaps spend night in school here. At least 30 planes here waiting
with stranded passengers aboard.”
So wrote
Kevin Tuerff on his in-flight menu, on September 11, 2001. He was travelling
with his partner Kevin Jung. Very few people had working phones on the
plane, though Tuerff was able to attempt making calls from a first-class seat
that a first-class passenger graciously allowed him to use. He didn’t get
through because most people in the US were calling each other to make sure
everyone was all right. He finally got through to a friend in Amsterdam, who
was able to fill him in on what he had heard on the news. He then went back to
their seat and told everyone what he had found out. Between trying to call out,
watching Shrek twice, and dealing
with an upset passenger behind them (Kevin Jung offered her some medication for
her nerves, which she declined), they passed the long hours. Their plane was on
the tarmac for 15 hours before they were finally allowed to deplane, one of the
first of the 38 planes, containing a combined total of 6,579 passengers. They
had to leave their checked luggage on the plane, so they were only allowed
their carryon items. So Kevin and Kevin had only their bags containing cameras,
passports and two bottles of Grey Goose vodka that Kevin Jung had managed to
procure in Paris.
In his book Channel of Peace: Stranded in Gander on 9/11,
Kevin Tuerff relates what happened when they left the plane. Security at the airport
was tight. Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) were stationed
at the airport. (As another character in the musical comments, “There were
soldiers everywhere.”) They went through immigration and customs, and Kevin
says, “And that’s when the first wave of unconditional love hit us: the
terminal was filled with volunteers greeting us as we registered. It was like
we had walked into a party!” The people of Gander had stepped up and provided
help and food for their thousands of guests. People had homemade baked food,
chicken from KFC, and everything in between. Kevin managed to find a pay phone
and call his parents, but had to go, as his ride was there. He watched people
at the airport put “Out of Order” signs on the phones so they could get people
to the places they were to stay.
Bass’s plane deplaned early the morning of September 12, having been on the
plane for 28 hours. She tells me that they “walked into the terminal building
in Gander. I was shocked to see all of the food that had been prepared for the
nearly 7k passengers and crew members. It was evident the folks of Gander and
the surrounding communities had stayed up all night preparing and cooking for
all of us. It was so heartwarming. During our 5 days there nearly 285,000 meals
were served to the come from aways…as they call folks who are not from
The come from
aways were housed all over Gander and the surrounding communities. Beverley
Bass and her crew stayed at Gander’s Comfort Inn. She mainly stayed put at the
inn, as she did not have a cell phone at the time and she needed to know right
away if they were ready to leave. Kevin and Kevin were among a large group
housed at the College of the North Atlantic. A Ganderite teenager gave them an
air mattress, and it deflated the first night. The Society of United Fishermen
Hall in nearby Gambo welcomed Nick, Diane, and the other passengers from their
plane. Janice Young of Lewisporte hosted a couple British women in her home and
helped out at a local church. Gander resident Beulah Cooper aided passengers
from an Irish Aer Lingus flight, and filled four rooms in her house with
passengers. The people of Newfoundland welcomed strangers into their schools,
churches, businesses and homes with open arms. As Mayor Claude Elliott points
out in his foreword to Kevin Tuerff’s Channel
of Peace, they came from over three dozen countries. (Kevin tells me there
were people from more than 90 countries.)
Among the
passengers on the Aer Lingus flight was a couple named Dennis and Hannah
O’Rourke, returning to New York from visiting Ireland. Beulah Cooper helped
them as they desperately attempted to contact their son Kevin, a firefighter
back home in New York. She developed a friendship with Hannah, which would be
invaluable later when the O’Rourkes arrived back in New York and found that
their son didn’t make it. His name is inscribed on the 9/11 Memorial at Ground
Photo by Steven Sauke |
Diane Davis
tells me, “As one of hundreds who helped at the school, I fell into an
organizational role. I helped with general information in the office of the
school for passengers. Like others, I helped passengers make international
phone calls, I did announcements and took notes for captain Burgess when he met
his flight. I organized bulletin boards for communication for each flight and
helped to answer questions. Other teachers organized food and clothing. Some
planned games and activities for children. Some took people home for showers,
to sleep, or for laundry. We did not do things that were out of our skill set
or extraordinary. We did the same thing we would do for anyone needing help.
What is remarkable is how many need help and how many came to give it in the
most basic of ways. Food, clothing, a drive somewhere, use of a phone.”
Kevin Tuerff relates that wherever they went in Gander, strangers stopped and offered to drive them to their destination. Others had similar experiences.
Stop the World!
On September
13, as Nick and Diane had been getting acquainted, they decided to take a
gander (pun intended) at the nearby Dover Fault. Nick brought his camera, which
he pulled out at the lookout. Diane suggested getting out of the way so he
could photograph the beautiful scenery, but she didn’t realize that he was more
interested in her than the scenery. With a single photograph, he “stopped the
world” and preserved a memory that would be a turning point in their lives:
Photo by Nick Marson. Used with permission. |
They would
return a year later on their honeymoon, and again in 2017 when the town of
Dover updated the plaque at the lookout with their story:

Photos by Nick and Diane Marson. Used with permission. |
“What Was That Ungodly Screech?!”
During that
time, some of the come from aways were “screeched in.” Kevin Tuerff would not
have this privilege until 2011 at the 10-year celebration, and his (now former)
partner would be screeched in later. The musical explained some of the
background behind the Screech in ceremony, but I was still curious about it and
asked Diane Davis. She tells me, “The Screech In had many variations. A Google
search will get you some info but the Screech is a rum based drink that harkens
back to when our salt fish was shipped to Jamaica and the ships came back with
rum and molasses. It’s a bit of fun and when well done, it’s a good laugh.
Kissing the cod is perhaps similar to the effort it takes to kiss the Blarney
Stone in Ireland. You really need to want it bad to do it. I love the Screech in song. Another sing of the musical genius of Sankoff and Hein. Folks will be
thinking it’s a traditional song.”
Departure, Tributes and Reflection
After five
days in Newfoundland, the planes were finally allowed to leave. Kevin’s Air
France flight returned to France, and they found themselves stranded once
again, this time in Paris. At the airport, they witnessed a deeply moving show
of support there and on the TVs as Europe came to a standstill, cars stopping
on the road and people getting out of their cars to observe a moment of silence
for the people of America. Europeans stopped what they were doing and stood at
attention as “The Star-Spangled Banner” played.
For Diane
Davis, “The most moving experience for me was helping to count money from a
donation box to put it in the school safe. We were exhausted and my vice
principal and I began to cry. There were so many denominations from 4 aircraft
that we had to sort it by colour first to try to recognize currencies. There
were 2 personal cheques for 1000 made to Gander Academy. When I see the scene
of the collection on the aircraft and the passenger writes a cheque, I cry. We were overwhelmed with the
gratitude of passengers. I still am by the hugs from strangers.”
A grateful
American businesswoman welcomed by the town of Lewisporte took up a collection to
fund scholarships for students there. It lasted for years, and both of Janice
Young’s daughters benefitted from it.
Come from Away
Years later,
the 10-year celebration and the musical Come
from Away would serve to bring many people together. Mayor Claude Elliott
met Kevin Tuerff at the celebration. Beulah Cooper and Diane Davis met when
they learned that they had been combined into a single character named Beulah
Davis. (They laughed about having never met before that.) The musical combined
reporters Janice Goudie of the Gander
Beacon newspaper and Brian Mosher of Rogers Cable into one person named
Janice Mosher.
Kevin Tuerff
finds the song “Prayer” from the musical particularly moving. He tells me that
the “Most moving part of Come From Away
for me is the song “Prayer” based in part on the Christian hymn “Make Me a
Channel of Your Peace.” I’d always loved
that hymn. It had played in my head for days after 9/11, and was sometimes the
only consolation when I would see the continuous loop of TV footage of planes
crashing into the World Trade Center. Its lyrics were on my heart when I
attended Mass at Notre Dame in Paris on September 16th, 2001. The first time I
heard it, I immediately started crying. I never remembered telling the writers
about this, Air France lied to us, saying we would leave Gander for New York,
but instead they flew us back to Paris. We should’ve just stayed with the kind
people in Gander!”
I must say I
concur. The first time I heard that song, I was in tears. I love the combined
Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu prayers, in addition to multiple languages
in one song, all praying for the same thing: peace (shalom in Hebrew, shaantih in
Sanskrit) and praise to God (Allah in
Kevin founded
an environmental marketing firm called EnviroMedia in 1997, and after his
experiences in Gander, he started a new initiative called Pay It Forward 9/11.
You can learn more about it at Pay it Forward 9/11. Basically, as described in the
musical, every year on 9/11, he distributes $100 to groups of his employees and
sends them out to do random good deeds for strangers. In this way he hopes to
remember the horrific acts of 9/11 and the incredible selfless outpouring of
love he was shown by strangers in Gander. He describes some of the deeds his
employees have done, and they are truly moving. In this way he hopes to combat
xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia and racism and replace them with
compassion. He calls it a “jump start to the heart.” I highly recommend
ordering his book Channel of Peace:
Stranded in Gander on 9/11 on Amazon. I now own it in audiobook form (read
by the author), as well as Kindle and the physical book. In addition to his
story in Gander, and that of many of the others mentioned in the musical, he
includes practical tips about how you can do good deeds for strangers. (You can
also view the tips on the website for free.) It doesn’t have to be expensive,
but he has seen lives changed for the better by some of the simple acts
since her retirement from teaching, Diane Davis has been instrumental in
helping displaced Syrian refugees in Gander. Kevin Tuerff recently moved to New
York so he can help his church to welcome immigrants and refugees there.
Beverley Bass enjoys picking up the tab for first responders and others at
restaurants. She paid airfare for the family of a member of Come from Away’s band when their homes
in Dominica were destroyed in Hurricane Maria. Last summer she took her family
to Newfoundland and personally thanked every mayor of every town that helped
Accuracy and Repeat Viewings
One thing I
asked everyone I interviewed was how accurate their characters were represented
in the musical Come from Away. The
consensus was that they were very accurate. As mentioned above, some characters
were combinations of two people. Kevin Tuerff told me that “The Kevins”
actually lived in Austin, Texas rather than Los Angeles. Sankoff and Hein made
this change so that they wouldn’t have “too many Texans” in the musical. (He
also mentions in his book that they did not go to the Legion for a drink while
stranded in Gander, and they were not Screeched In until years later.) Nick and
Diane Marson pointed out that they made some minor changes to put everyone in
one airplane and one shelter. Beverley Bass is deeply impressed with the way
she is portrayed. She tells me that Jenn Colella is an ideal actress to play
her. “First of all, she is adorable and has the most amazing voice. She belts
out "Me and The Sky" which is my aviation life compacted into a 4:19
second solo, the only solo in the show. Her body language and everything is
just the way that I am. We both have similar hair cuts and she used to have
blonde hair like me, but has decided to let it go natural and is no longer
blonde.” Diane Davis tells me that she personally observed most of what
happened in the musical, and it brings back the memories of those events
actually happening.
Another thing
I asked everyone was how many times they have seen the musical. I believe
Beverley Bass holds the record at 106 times as of the time she responded to my questions.
Diane Davis hasn’t counted, but she believes it has been at least a dozen
times, in Gander, Toronto, New York City and Winnipeg. It makes her cry every
time. Kevin Tuerff recently attended his 26th performance over the
course of five years, with his nephew and an African friend who was recently
granted asylum in the US. Nick and Diane Marson are at second place among the
people I interviewed, at 75 times in six cities and two countries. They tell me
it is rewarding to show people who are older and yet have not found their
“special someone” that there is still hope. Nick and Diane were “both into
middle age, not 20 somethings” when they met. They also feel it is like
renewing their vows every time they see it.
Relating to Come from Away
One thing I
love about Come from Away is how much
I can identify with it. I grew up in the Philippines, but I currently live in
the Seattle area. I have also lived in Hong Kong and Montana. Having lived on
opposite sides of the Pacific, I often feel like a come from away wherever I
go. (“Where are you from?” is a complicated question for me.) In addition, I
distinctly remember the events of 9/11. I remember the uncertainty of what
would happen. That horrible morning, the hits kept coming. A plane hit one
tower. A plane hit the other tower. A plane hit the Pentagon. A plane likely
bound for the White House crashed in a field near Pittsburgh. Where would the
next plane hit? After I got to work in a Seattle highrise that morning, I
wondered if it would hit our building. Would a plane crash into the Space
Needle? Our employer gave us the option of going home just in case. I decided
that, worst case scenario, a plane would hit our building, and I would be
killed and go to heaven. Heaven didn’t sound so bad.
With that in
mind, I also asked everyone if there was a way they could relate to the
Diane Davis
shared that “9/11 was the hardest I worked ever to do something good, to
volunteer, to be a contributing citizen. I am also on Gander Refugee Outreach
Committee now and the time and energy involved in welcoming 4 Syrian families
to Gander has renewed and polished all those citizen skills. Part of teaching
our families was telling them the story of 9/11 and again, David and Irene
selected stories that emphasize inclusion, compassion, empathy and community.
For me though, the memory that always strikes me is the passengers seeing it on
TV for the first time and when I see it on stage I cry. It’s the sense of
helplessness, no matter how willing we were, that there was nothing we could do
to make this not true or better.”
Nick and
Diane Marson tell me, “As we travel to other cities where the show opens, and
meet so many new people, we feel like we still are come from aways. One of our favorite aspects
of the show is meeting new people and sharing stories with them.”
Kevin Tuerff
says, “As a gay Catholic, I know what it’s like to be marginalized. When I see
the scene when the Muslim man (Ali) is scared because of how others are
treating him simply because of his religion, it makes me sad. No doubt there
was tremendous anxiety about who was a terrorist because the ones who hijacked
the planes came from Muslim countries. But they were extremists who disobeyed
their own religion. Virtually every religion in the world have one common
teaching: The Golden Rule–Treat others as you want to be treated. I hope as Come from Away goes on tour around the
world, people are reminded of this, and take their experience in the theater
and incorporate it into their daily lives.”
Tips for Visiting Newfoundland
question I asked everyone was where they would recommend going when visiting
In addition
to Gander, Beverley Bass recommends visiting Gambo and Lewisporte, as well as
the other “adorable little towns” in the area. As far as restaurants in Gander,
she recommends Bistro on the Roe, Rosie’s, and The Gander Bread Box Bakery & Café.. “Everyone is so
incredibly nice that you really never want to leave.”
Diane Davis
says, “There is a Beyond Words bus tour that will take visitors to the various
sites around Gander and does a great job of telling Gander’s 9/11 and aviation
history. I like to make sure people see Gander Heritage Memorial Park and read
some of the letters at the town hall in Gander. I also recommend the Peace Park
in Appleton and visiting all the town halls in the communities where passengers
were housed. Gander, Appleton, Glenwood, Lewisporte, Norris Arm and Gambo.
Everyone should visit the Dover Fault and sing “Stop the World” too.”
Kevin Tuerff
says, “The best place to start a tour of Gander is at the North Atlantic
Aviation Museum. They offer a seasons tour of the Gander International airport
and several scenes in Come from Away called Beyond Words. I recently took a
self-driving tour of other beautiful towns across Newfoundland from Maxxim
Vacations, called the Come From Away
Experience. The island has absolutely stunning beauty and remarkably kind
Nick and
Diane Marson have a rather unsurprising yet exciting suggestion: “Do we ever!
Of course we like to see our Newfie families, but …. Our visit to
Dover Fault on Sept. 13th, 2001 highlighted the budding feelings between
us…Nick wanted a photo of Diane not
the beautiful scenery so that meant he was as interested in me as I was in
him... It is the “Stop the world” moment in our lives and is portrayed as
such in the Play.”
Go See Come from Away!
[As of July 2018,] Come from Away is currently playing on Broadway and
Toronto. The musical is kicking off its national tour in Seattle in October. (I
can’t wait!) The tour is currently slated for Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver,
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Costa Mesa, Las Vegas, Portland (Oregon), Vancouver
(British Columbia), Edmonton, Calgary, Omaha, Appleton (Wisconsin), Pittsburgh,
Greenville, Baltimore, Hartford, Milwaukee, St. Louis, New Orleans, Tampa,
Orlando, Miami, Atlanta, Cleveland, Chicago and Ottawa. The show opens in
Melbourne, Australia in July 2019. Tickets are now on sale for the Dublin
production, and it runs in London starting January 20, 2019. Tickets are now on
sale there as well.
The show
lasts 100 minutes, and there is no intermission. It is recommended for ages 10
and up.
You can get
more information on the musical’s website, I also highly recommend visiting for ways you can help spread the
kindness that the people of Newfoundland showed to strangers.